Monday, May 26, 2008

run for ryan

today is memorial day, and the hurst family, frances, jason and trevor all ran the harrington memorial mile and 5k. we ran it because all of the money raised went to the family of this guy named ryan cox who died in april. he used to be in our ward and it was so sad when we heard about the accident. the weather was pretty gloomy today too. when we woke up it was raining but the rain stopped while we were running. then it started right back up again. it was a hard course, frannie peed her pants, so did raeann i think. there were some intense uphill and downhill parts. :) ps, happy birthday trevor! you little studmuffin. here are some pictures:

wow. i have definetly had better pictures. oh well. but i do have awesome pink shorts. yes! sorry, there are only 3 pictures and basically of my family. someone was a slacker and didn't take pictures of us finishing like he was supposed to. (dad.) i hope that everyone has a fabulous memorial day! and happy bday trevor! love you all!


1 comment:

Janice {Run Far} said...

Way to go Hurst family.. Rae, I heard you beat your time from St George.. That is freaking awesome, and I am in for the strawberry days 5k... sounds fun

Love the pink shorts, I have to run in black shorts cause I ALWAYS pee and black hides it... ;)