Friday, May 29, 2009

So, I went visiting teaching, (yes I do still manage to get out once in a while), and both my partner and the lady we were visiting and me all have 3 year old grandkids. We started telling adorable stories about the darling things 3 year olds say. Of course my 3 year old granddaughters are the cutest and the best and so my stories were the most wonderful. I just want to thank Allie and Morgan for the great stories I got to tell and yes I think that my stories were far and away the best.
love and kisses to all my kids and grandkids. Thanks for all the fun things I get tell and brag about.


Lydia said...

I have to agree that you have very cute grandkids.

Janice {Run Far} said...

oh my you are so funny.... but yes, I have to say that Morgan and Allie are both very silly and say the cutest darn things.

Sarah said...

You are a wonderful grandma! Morgan and Allie are as spunky as they is fun to watch them grow!