The neighbors cleared our driveway before
we got home.
Jack and Susan left the FHL Monday, December 22 for home. It was not snowing in SLC. When we arrived home this is what we saw. The neighbors had shoveled our driveway for us. In fact they were out shoveling the entire neighborhood. What a wonderful surprise and blessing. It had snowed over 12 inches during the day. This is the most snow I have ever seen in Eagle Mountain. For the time being I don't think we need to be concerned about global warming.
No way!! I think you guys have more snow than we have. Have a great Christmas.
Love Jenn
wow! I guess Vernal is getting hit pretty hard too. They say it's possible for them to have up to 15 inches by the end of Christmas day. I hate snow, there for I am happy being in Ky for witner. We get snow and it melts 24 hours later.
Merry Christmas!
Love you
I'm glad you have such nice neibors to take care of you.
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